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INCUBATOR FOR CHICKEN/BIRD EGG Incubation  is a technology that provides farmers an opportunity to produce chicks from eggs without the help of the mother hen/bird. Incubating and hatching eggs is a simple task if you know the right way to do it. The most important difference between natural and  artificial incubator  is that in natural incubation, parent provides warmth by contact. But in the artificial method, we incubate the egg without touching it. The health of the egg is very important for the development of the embryo within the egg. Improper temperature or humidity will lead to the death of the embryo. In this project, we are going to build the  hen egg incubator  by using some ready-made modules and with a common incandescent bulb. All the components used in this project are easily available and also there are no programming skills needed for making this incubator. So, let's get started… How does an Automatic Egg Incubator Work? Before proceed...

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