Haret.exe Android Install and Boot from Windows Mobile

Update: Rather than following these steps, at this point I'd recommend just using Myn’s Latest Warm Donut build which includes all the files needed in one download: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=619980 . It seems to be the most stable out at the moment.

I've spent some hours wading through the forums to find complete instructions for installing the newer android builds using the WM haret.exe linux booter (rather than flashing the entire phone and loosing WM) on my touch Vouge.
I am new at this, but since I did not find complete instructions, and had to figure some things out using trial and error I thought I would post what I did figure out here in hopes of helping others.
My instructions may be off or misguided. If so please post with corrections. I just know I was looking for a guide like this and couldn't find one so hope this helps someone.

I should also note that I did these step specifically to get the new wired headset fix working on my phone.

I have copied from the install instructions here: sourceforge.net/apps/trac/androidhtc/wiki/HowToInstall
and made some further corrections where I found them lacking.

#summary Installation instructions
Step 0: Prep your phone

* You need to be able to run unsigned apps, as the Haret launcher is not signed.
* You need a recent radio for your device. That means 3.37.xx or better. I'd recommend either using the latest radio for your carrier, or the Bell 3.42.50 radio.
* A fast SD card will work best, try to get class 6 if possible.

Step 1: Download the files!

* Download haretinstall.zip from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/andr...l.zip/download
* Extract haretinstall.zip to get the ANDBOOT folder. Copy ANDBOOT and all of its contents to the ROOT of your SD card. This contains the zImage (kernel), initrd.gz (initial ramdisk), and the files for haret, all in an andboot folder. They need to stay in the andboot folder.
* Rename the default.txt file to startup.txt if you want to skip a start up step by making haret.exe automatically run when clicked instead of having to then tap Run.

* Download mssmisoneclairv6.rar from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/andr...6.rar/download
* Extract mssmisoneclairv6.rar to get androidinstall.tar. Copy androidinstall.tar to the andboot folder.

* Download the latest zImage from here: http://it029000.massey.ac.nz/vogue/files/?C=M;O=D
* Rename zImage-##-##-## to just zImage and put it in the andboot folder (either renaming or overwriting the old zImage file that came with haretinstall.zip)

Step 2: Start it up!

* Run Haret, and it should boot into android.
1. When prompted, hold down the center dpad button to enter the installer menu
2. You can choose where to install android if you have created ext2 partions for the sys and data parts of android on your sd card or just choose "Install System"
3. Quit and let it boot up (may take a while)


Here's a list of the keys for the Vogue. Other devices may be similar.

* Volume controls volume
* Long Press camera is home
* Press and release camera is back
* Press and release top power button is menu
* Press and hold 1 second top power button for on screen keyboard
* Press and hold 2 seconds top power button for landscape (turn off auto rotate in settings)
* Press and hold end key for shutdown menu
* For best battery life, disable background data in Settings..Data


  1. Some downloads do not work: (

  2. i cant see haret file in windows lumia 520 ..............plz help me

    1. Brother I Think it's for windows mobile 5.x & 6.x.

  3. hey my dear brother it fail to run it tell me that haret is not running in system mode Major functionality will not be present help me please i have SPV E650 orange

  4. it stucks at jumping to kernel


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